Industry, business and community

Industry, business and community

Our staff have strong links with local and national companies in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors. Several staff have previously worked in industry and some have even established, and currently direct, their own enterprises.

Suzhou is a major biomedical hub in China. BioBay, a national biotechnology hub with over 400 companies, is located within walking distance of the Department while nearby Cold Spring Harbor Asia hosts prestigious scientific symposia and conferences with world-famous researchers. Thus, XJTLU operates in a rich and diverse bioscience ecosystem that combines a strong demand for bioscientists with major opportunities for high calibre research.

Faculty also have solid and growing collaborations with a range of local companies as well as major international companies such Lilly, Novartis and Unilever plc.

Staff in the Department also contribute to the community, e.g. via outreach activities with local schools and by providing training to visiting scientists.