Dajun Yang Ph.D.


杨大俊教授(Prof. Dajun Yang)
亚盛医药董事长, CEO
President & CEO of Ascentage Pharma Group

杨大俊教授是亚盛医药董事长、CEO,兼任中山大学肿瘤防治中心教授及博导、中国药促会研发专委会副主任委员、中科院上海药物所新药产业兼职研究员等职。杨博士专注肿瘤学、细胞凋亡机理与新药研发近30年。他于2009年共同创办亚盛医药,并在细胞凋亡及自噬双通道调节新靶点药物开发领域内取得重大突破。亚盛医药作为全球唯一在该领域形成通道多靶点药物全布局的企业,成功将8个具有全球范围内“First-in-class”或“Best-in-class”类潜力原创新药推进到中国、美国、澳大利亚三地临床开发阶段。杨大俊博士先后承担国家“863”专项、重大新药创制专项等重大科研攻关项目近10项。他带领团队获得江苏省及苏州重大创新团队、首届江苏省创新争先团队奖、百华协会2017年度研发成就奖等多项殊荣,并荣获2018独墅湖杯“最具影响力药物研发领军人物奖”,在原创新药研发领域拥有广泛的影响力。杨博士曾担任美国华人生物医药科技协会CBA 第八任会长(2005-2006) 。

Dr. Yang has more than 25 years of experience in cancer research and new drug development. Dr. Yang is co-founder, President & CEO of Ascentage Pharma Group with major R&D operations based in China since 2009. Dr. Yang co-founded US Ascenta Therapeutics in 2003, where he was Senior VP of Research and preclinical development.
Prior to joining Ascenta, Dr. Yang was an associate professor at the University of Michigan; and associate professor of oncology and senior investigator of the Lombardi Cancer Centre at the Georgetown University. He also built the biology and pharmacology team for S*BIO Ltd Pte, a Singapore-Chiron joint venture for which he served as the first VP of Biology. He was Managing Director for biotechnology and healthcare at Morningside Venture Groups and served as president & CEO of Stealth Peptides Inc.

Dr. Yang is author/co-author of 100+ papers, book chapters, patents and abstracts. Dr. Yang is the inventor of more than twenty international patents. He serves as adjunct professor and supervisor of doctoral students at Sun Yat-sen University Cancer center. He was co-founder, chief staff writer and editor for two national magazines in China, “Chinese Medical Students” and “Family Doctors” in early 80’s. Today “Family Doctors” has over one million copies in circulation, aiming to promote both healthcare and a healthy lifestyle in China.

Dr. Yang obtained his M.D. from Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences (SUMS) in 1983 and his Ph.D. in Genetics from Michigan State University in 1992.
Dajun Yang