Lianshan Zhang PH.D.

Industry Honorary Professor 企业特聘教授

张连山博士(Dr.Lianshan Zhang)
Senior Vice President/President of Global R&D, Hengrui Medicine

张连山博士毕业于中国药科大学获药物化学专业并获得学士学位,后赴德国图宾根大学深造,获有机化学博士学位。博士毕业后赴美国田纳西州纳什维尔市范德比尔特大学微生物学与免疫学系, 任博士后研究员。

在加入恒瑞医药前,张连山博士先后在美国礼来和Marcadia Biotech等国际知名药企担任要职,其中在礼来先后任高级化学家、研究顾问及首席研究科学家等。自1988年至今,张连山博士从事多肽方法学和新药研发工作三十余年,在糖尿病治疗药物方面极有造诣。


Dr. Lianshan Zhang graduated from China Pharmaceutical University with a bachelor degree in Medicinal Chemistry and went abroad to continue his study at University of Tübingen in Germany and obtained his PhD in Organic Chemistry. After graduation, he went to the Department of Microbiology & Immunology at Vanderbilt University as a Post-Doctoral Fellow.

Before joining Hengrui Medicine, Dr. Zhang has held vital positions in several world-renowned pharmaceutical companies. He was the Senior Chemist, the Principal Research Scientist and Senior Director of Chemistry in Eli Lily and Marcadia Biotech. He has been engaged in peptide methodology and drug development for more than 30 years since 1988 and has accomplished remarkable achievements in the development of anti-diabetic drugs.

He is now the VP and President of Global R&D of Hengrui Medicine, leading the R&D teams to develop series of internationally competitive and innovative drugs covering prominent targets along with therapeutic areas that have with huge unmet clinical needs.
Lianshan Zhang