Yafei Zhang PhD


张亚飞博士(Dr. Yafei Zhang)
CEO, MEDx (Suzhou) Translational Medicine

张亚飞博士(美国辛辛那提大学博士)拥有30年的药物研发经验及转化医学和诊断行业经验。之前担任美国方达医药中国总经理和集团资深副总裁、诺华中国研发中心部门总监、美国OSI医药集团部门总监以及美国辉瑞研发中心经理。张博士是全球生命科学和医疗健康产业领域华人精英组织百华协会 (Bayhelix)的一员。 也是江苏省生物技术协会副理事长,是中国生物工程协会精准医疗和伴随诊断专业委员会发起者之一及副主任委员。 荣获园区创业创新领军人才,金鸡湖双百人才计划, 江苏省双创人才,江苏省海外高层次人才和江苏省优秀企业家称号。

Dr. Yafei Zhang obtained his Bachelor degree in Chemistry from Jiangxi University and gained his initial drug research experience at Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1986 where he worked and studied for 4 years, and subsequently in 1990 at University of Cincinnati from where he obtained his Ph.D degree by studying metal-containing medicines and their metabolism mechanism.

He is currently the general manager and a board member for Qiagen (Suzhou) Translational Medicine Co., Ltd, a JV between Germany-based company Qiagen and Suzhou bioBay. Qiagen Suzhou provides an integrated technology platform from biomarker development to companion diagnostics/point of care services as well as product development for personalized healthcare.

Dr. Zhang has over 28 years of industry drug research and development experience. He worked at companies including biotech, big pharma, diagnostics as well as CRO for years with increasing responsibilities.

Dr. Zhang will be giving guest lectures about drug research, biomarker development, and precision medicine. He will also be co-supervising industry-sponsored PhD students and sharing the industry demands and career development topics with our students.
Yafei Zhang