- 时间: 18:00-19:30
- 日期: Monday, 7 March 2022
- 地点: ZHUMU (线上参与详情, 请电邮zhi COM@xjtlu.edu.cn)
Chinese women filmmakers reflect the enormous changes happening in the global film industry as well as political, economic, technological, social, and cultural transformations taking place in the region since the beginning of the millennium. Issues central to the work of many women working across the Chinese-speaking world include migration, labour relations, postcolonial and postsocialist identities, the commodification of female bodies in consumer culture, cross-border sexualities, female desire and domesticity. This talk concentrates on Chinese female directors who have captured the global spotlight, including Chloé Zhao, Lulu Wang, Cathy Yan, Nanfu Wang, Joan Chen, and Ann Hui, among others.
Gina Marchetti is the author of Romance and the “Yellow Peril”: Race, Sex and Discursive Strategies in Hollywood Fiction (California UP, 1993), From Tian’anmen to Times Square: Transnational China and the Chinese Diaspora on Global Screens (Temple UP, 2006), The Chinese Diaspora on American Screens: Race, Sex, and Cinema (Temple UP, 2012), Andrew Lau and Alan Mak’s INFERNAL AFFAIRS—The Trilogy (Hong Kong UP, 2007), and Citing China: Politics, Postmodernism, and World Cinema (Hawai’i UP, 2018). Visit the website https://hkwomenfilmmakers.wordpress.com for more information about her work on Hong Kong women filmmakers since 1997.