- 时间: 下午7点半-9点, 星期四
- 日期: 2022年4月14日
- 报名链接: https://www.wjx.cn/vj/rkou52x.aspx
- 语言:英文(现场会安排中文同声传译)
Families are powerful, emotional units. Bowenian theory uses an intergenerational lens to explain the origins of family problems and how they perpetuate.
Russell Fulmer, Senior Associate Professor, Educational Studies Department, Academy of Future Education(AoFE), XJTLU, Programme Director of MA: Digital Education. Dr. Fulmer is from the United States. He received his doctorate in counseling and student development from Kansas State University and taught in psychological counseling at Northwestern University. He is the author of Counseling and Psychotherapy: Theory and Beyond, which is published and distributed by Cognella, an internationally renowned academic publishing house.