大学数学系讲座:Harmonic functions with polynomial growth on manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature


10:00 AM - 11:00 AM



  • 时间:10:00 AM-11:00 AM (Beijing Time)
  • 日期: 2024年8月26日,星期一
  • 地点: MB541
  • 主讲人:Ruyong Feng (Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS)
  • 语言:Chinese


Suppose (M,g) is an n-dimensional noncompact Riemannian manifold with nonnegative Ricci curvature and let hk (M) be the dimension of the space of harmonic functions with polynomial growth of growth order at most k. In this talk, I will first review the previous works in estimating  hk (M), then I will introduce my recent results on hk (M) in the case that M has maximal volume growth and the tangent cone at infinity of M is unique.


Xian-Tao Huang serves as an Associate Professor at the School of Mathematical Sciences at Sun Yat-Sen University. He completed his Ph.D. at the same institution in 2014 and subsequently pursued postdoctoral studies at the Yau Mathematical Sciences Center at Tsinghua University. Since August 2016, he has been a faculty member at Sun Yat-Sen University. His research primarily explores areas of geometric analysis, such as geometric flows, manifolds with bounded Ricci curvature, and metric measure spaces. Dr. Huang’s work has been featured in prestigious international journals, including Crelle’s Journal and Mathematische Annalen. He currently oversees a general project supported by the NSFC.
