ECO Internal Presentation | Shock Transmission through Global Banking: Evidence from the United States


10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

BSG21 & Tencent Meeting

FinTech adoption in the Banking Sector

by Dr Bo Jiang

Abstract of the presentation:

We study how the rapid adoption of FinTech payment technology, Zelle, affects crime in the United States. We collect a novel dataset of Zelle's banking partners using an internet archive tool-the Wayback Machine. We find that higher Zelle penetration is associated with a lower robbery rate and motor vehicle theft rate at the county level. To address endogeneity, we exploit the fact that Zelle was launched by the seven largest U.S. banks in 2017. The difference-in-difference analysis shows that counties with large exposure to the seven largest U.S. banks before 2017 experienced a large decline in the robbery rate and motor vehicle theft rate. The negative effect on the robbery rate was more pronounced in counties with lower education levels and fewer law employees. Our findings shed light on the social impact of FinTech adoption.
