You Ji 由冀 (BA, Peking, PhD, ANU) is professor in the Department of International Studies, Xian Jiaotong Liverpool University. He is author of four books in English and over 150 academic papers, including 22 SSCI journal articles. You Ji is on the editorial board of seven academic journals including The China Journal, Issue and Studies, and Journal of Contemporary China.
主讲人: 由冀教授
You Ji 由冀 (BA, Peking, PhD, ANU) is professor in the Department of International Studies, Xian Jiaotong Liverpool University. He is author of four books in English and over 150 academic papers, including 22 SSCI journal articles. You Ji is on the editorial board of seven academic journals including The China Journal, Issue and Studies, and Journal of Contemporary China.
讲座主题: 迎接世界百年未有之大变局带来的机遇与挑战
讲座简介: 习近平总书记在2017年底接见我国驻外使节时发表重要讲话,作出“放眼世界,我们面对的是百年未有之大变局”的深刻判断,抓住了国际体系中正在进行的权力过渡的本质。本次讲座将应用国际关系理论来分析这种(看不见)的变化的一些基本要素,例如大国的兴衰周期等。如何处理权力转移(过渡)带来的严重地缘政治后果越来越成为和平或战争的问题,从而对我们所有人产生了巨大影响。