Linlin Yan 博士(PHD DEGREE)


颜林林博士(Dr. Linlin Yan )​

Bioinformatics Senior Expert of JITRI Institute of Translation Research and Drug Innovation (Simcere Diagnostics Inc.)​


Dr. Linlin Yan received his Bachelor's degree in biological science from Xiamen University and Ph.D. in bioinformatics from Peking University. He has long been engaged in immune-oncology research and bioinformatics algorithm development. During his Ph.D., he studied human genomics based on high-throughput sequencing, single-molecule genetic mapping, and other technologies, especially the development and verification of large-scale structural variation and related bioinformatics algorithms, published 7 SCI papers. In addition, he served as a software architect or core programmer for nearly ten years, involving computer software development in areas including streaming media, medical imaging, and Internet security.​
Linlin Yan