3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Time: 15:00
Date: March 21st, 2022
Format: Online broadcasting
Venue: https://xjtlu.zhumu.com/j/634396369
Meeting ID: 634 396 369
Lecturer: Dr. Xiangcheng Sun
Title: Fluorescent Probes for Chemical Sensing and Single Molecule Catalysis
Fluorescent materials have been widely used in sensing, imaging and catalysis areas. In this talk, I will show the use of fluorescent carbon dots(CDs)for sensitive, selective detection and differentiation of various explosives. Through a fast and facile microwave method, nitrogen-doped blue fluorescent carbon dots from a single precursor were prepared. The blue fluorescence could be sensitively and selectively quenched by picric acid.In order to further differentiate between picric acid and TNT, we designed and synthesized nitrogen and phosphorus co-doped CDs with dual (blue and green)emission colors and high quantum vields, In the second part. I will present synthesis of small fluorescent molecules with different emission colors, and polymerization of synthesized monomers at both ensemble and single-molecule level. We discovered that hindrance played a significant role in ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP), which was also verified by polvmerized end-products analysis at single-molecule level. The single molecule visualization of living polymerization especially targeting with single monomer resolution is proposed at this moment.
Dr. Xiangcheng Sun has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Rochester Institute of Technology(RIT) since fall of 2021. He is also the program faculty of School of Chemistry and Materials Science at RIT.Prior to RIT,he conducted his postdoctoral research at Cornell University and University of California. Santa Barbara, and obtained his PhD degree in Chemical Engineering at University of Connecticut. His current research interests include design and preparation of novel optical materials for chemical sensing, biosensing as well as catalysis.