Dr. Sheng Zhao organized the workshop of “Housing market in China: Bridging the academia with industry.”


On November 18, 2023, Dr. Sheng Zhao, an assistant professor in the Department of Economics of International Business School Suzhou (IBSS) at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), organized a workshop “Housing market in China: Bridging the academia with industry.” This workshop invited three experts from the industry to discuss the real estate market in China with IBSS colleagues. One speaker is from a top housing market consulting firm, while the other two come from leading financial institutions. Faculties from the Department of Economics, including Dr. Ye Bai, Dr. Liang Fu, Dr. Hao Lan, and Dr. Zhenyu Su, exchanged ideas and engaged in discussions with speakers on various topics related to the housing market in China.
