Zhehui Chang Bachelor


Zhehui Chang graduated from GSAPP, Columbia University in the City of New York with the William Ware Prize for excellence in design.
In parallel with practice as a designer, Zhehui had teaching experience in GSAPP and the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Since 2020, Zhehui has taught design modules in the Department of Architecture at XJTLU.
Zhehui founded Atelier Norma, a design studio based in Shanghai with Qi Zhang. Norma's ethos is rooted in exploring the mundane amidst our ever-changing times, seeking to create a dialogue among diverse individuals and groups through the thoughtful design of architecture, spaces, exhibitions, and temporary events, offering new urban living possibilities. norma strives to push the boundaries of discussion to the very edges of each subject, ensuring every project is defined by its clear and in-depth thematic focus.
Zhehui Chang