XJTLU Account
The campus account consists of a unique user ID and an initial password. You can use this account to log into campus IT systems, such as computers, campus cloud storage (XJTLU Box), email, and the library. Passwords expire every 360 days. Please log in to the UIM system ( and bind your personal email or mobile phone if you forget your password.
Each user has an XJTLU ID card. This card displays your name, photo, and ID card number and is used as proof of identity on campus. You can use it to: borrow books from the school library, pay for campus self-service printing, and take city buses and subways (please consult Suzhou Citizen Card Center for details).

XJTLU Network
Any IT equipment connected to the wired network and wireless campus network (XJTLU), will pop up a web network authentication login page (, and you are required to enter your username and password. If "Use MacAuth" is selected, authentication is not needed for the device within the validity period. If you do not select this option and no Internet access traffic appears within one hour, the system prompts you to re-authenticate the device. (Do not select this feature on public devices for account security.)
XJTLU E-mail
Campus email is based on Microsoft Exchange servers. The email address is named in XJTLU format. Email can be managed by accessing, which can also be bound to personal mobile devices, for details please refer to the guidelines

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Printing System is a self-printing system based on ID cards. It is very simple and convenient to use. It can be used for printing, copying, and scanning documents. Users can submit printing tasks from any PC, web page, or email on campus, and swipe ID cards on any printer under the printing system to obtain printing jobs.
Campus Cloud Storage
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University campus cloud storage system BOX ( provides unified and centralized storage to meet various storage requirements on campus. Its functions and features are similar to Dropbox and Baidu Cloud: an online preview of various types of documents and video files; Support full-text search and version control; Support web page mode and desktop local driver mode; Support Windows, Mac, Linux, and iOS, Android and other operating systems and mobile devices; Users can restore any deleted or modified files within 180 days.

Campus Information Security
As a member of the university, you are responsible for the data you handle. While universities take steps to protect the IT environment, all students must contribute to this. All the computers in Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University have been pre-installed with the antivirus software. Before leaving the computer lab, please log out of the account. This helps ensure you are the only user using the system through your XJTLU account. Important reminder: Avoid visiting unknown websites or downloading from untrusted sources. Avoid phishing scams - Watch out for suspicious emails or attachments. Protect your personal information. Update your software regularly, including anti-virus software. Back up important data regularly. Please do not install wireless AP, routers, switches, and other personvices on campus or any illegal software on university computers.


Service Time: 9:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 17:00 [Monday – Friday]
Room: Central Building 956A [SIP] / H Building 1F [XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang)]
Telephone: +86 512 88161250 [SIP] / +86 512 88970505 [XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang)]
Email: [SIP] / [XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang)]