Call for Papers | The 11th Conference on Asia and Pacific Economies (CAPE)

2024-02-02 12:00 AM

2024-03-31 12:00 AM

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) and Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)
The 11th Conference on Asia and Pacific Economies (CAPE)

May 31st and June 1st, 2024
Suzhou, China

XJTLU and ADBI invite submission of papers for this two-day event on topics related to the Asia and Pacific economies. We are looking for original and high-quality unpublished research papers in theoretical and empirical economic and social issues. This is the flagship event organized under the Society for the Advancement in Economic Studies (SAES) which promotes the interdisciplinary research across academics, business communities and policy makers. Previous years’ events can be found at here.

Topics of the General Sessions
The central theme of the conference is related to the Chinese and Asia economic growth, development, and integration. The topics include but are not restricted to digital economy development; environmental, social, and corporate governance; firm resilience, productivity, and innovation; international trade, investment and finance; monetary and fiscal policy; housing bubbles and real estate markets.

Topics of the ADBI Special Sessions
The ADBI sessions cover themes including digitalization, financial inclusion, and financial literacy; impacts of artificial intelligence on economic activity; and sustainable development goals and climate change.

Special Issue
We will collaborate with Managerial and Decision Economics (MDE) to have the CAPE-MDE Special Issue. Papers selected from the conference will be recommended for the Special Issue (normal peer-review process applies). MDE is an international strategic management journal that applies economic reasoning to managerial decision-making and managerial economics. We welcome economic thinking and analysis that provides a critical foundation for strategic decision-making across a variety of areas, including law, economics, regulation, public finance and consumer theory. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcomed.

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Peter J. Morgan, Senior Consulting Economist and Advisor to the Dean

Dr. Morgan’s research focuses are macroeconomic policy and financial sector regulation, reform, financial development, financial inclusion, fintech, financial literacy, and financial educations. He has extensively published in leading academic journals.

Dr. Antony W. Dnes, Professor of Economics at the Barney Barnett School of Business and Free Enterprise and Director of the Center for Free Enterprise, Florida Southern College.

Dr. Dnes is the Editor-in-Chief of the scholarly journal Managerial & Decision Economics, the author of several books and more than 40 journal articles. He likes to promote the idea that free enterprise is the best way to enhance the welfare of the ordinary person.


Dr. Taoxiong Liu, Professor of School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University and the Executive Dean of the Institute of innovation & Development.

His research field includes macroeconomics, economic growth, industrial economics and big data. He is the author of five books and has published numerous articles in both Chinese and English, including in many leading journals.


Registration Fees
There is a registration fee of 1,000 RMB for selected papers.

Funding Opportunities
There is limited funding to support some of the presenters for travelling and/or accommodation. If the funding opportunities are exhausted, the applicant may also attend as a self-funded participant given that the paper is accepted for presentation.

Key Dates
Submission Deadline: Extended abstract or full paper (Feb 29th, 2024)
(Full paper of extended abstract must be submitted by March 31st, 2024)
Conference Date: May 31st (Friday) and June 1st (Saturday), 2024

Submission and Selection
Extended abstracts (500 words or less) or full paper must be submitted to the CAPE submission portal containing the title, name, and affiliation of the author(s), contact information, and the appropriate fields (JEL classifications). Please note that early applications with full paper are strongly preferred. And full paper must be submitted by March 31st, 2024. Only papers written in English will be considered. If there are two or more authors, please identify who will be presenting. Selected papers will be notified by mid-April or earlier. The conference format is onsite only.

Organizing Committee
Yang Chen, Associate Professor, IBSS, XJTLU
Peter Morgan, Senior Consulting Economist and Advisor to the Dean, ADBI
Nimesh Salike, Senior Associate Professor, Associate Dean of IBSS, XJTLU


