Whither the New Town in Contemporary Australian Planning?
Robert Freestone & Nicola Pullan
UNSW School of Built Environment
Sustainable Urban Strategies in China: A Case Study of Urban Redevelopment in Shanghai’s Pudong and Taipingqiao Areas
Melis Isil Simsek
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
The Evolution of Urbanization and Planning Practice: A Comparative Study between the UK and China
Tianjie Jiang, Bing Chen, Thomas Moore, John Sturzaker
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University & University of Liverpool & University of Hertfordshire
Second-chance cities? Understanding the economic relationship between primary and secondary cities in an Australian urban context.
Hyung Min Kim & Anthony Kent
University of Melbourne & RMIT University
Afternoon Session (12:00-14:30 Beijing Time)
Rural revitalization or dystopia? Australia’s intensive livestock production and processing landscapes
Joshua Zeunert
UNSW School of Built Environment
The Urbanization of Rural China and Regional Australia: Visions, Strategies and Urban Paradigms in the Context of Asia Pacific Region
Dan Gui, Raffaele Pernice
UNSW School of Built Environment
Country Park and Ecological Restoration in Shanghai’s Rural Revitalization
Nannan Dong; Yongnan Wang; Zhiwei Liu
Tongji University
Culture-led Revitalisation in Chinese Intermediary Cities: Challenges and Opportunities under the Pandemic
Giulio Verdini, Xin Shengxi
University of Westminster & University College London
2022年 10月 14日
Morning Session (8:00-10:30 Beijing Time)
Impact Factors of Authenticity Experience and Renewal Strategies of Sojourn Space in Historic District Based on Grounded Theory: A case study of Daxinqiao Lane in Suzhou Pingjiang Road
Leilei Sun,Zehua Xu,Liang Zhang
Soochow University & Suzhou Research Institute of Chinese Historical and Cultural Cities
Transportation transformation towards urban renaissance: A case study in Hangzhou
Xiaohe Zhang, Xia Hua, Haixiao Pan
Tongji University
Former industrial waterfronts as laboratories for sustainable urban planning: comparing recent efforts in Shanghai with cases in New York and Rotterdam
Harry Den Hartog
Tongji University
Study on the Linkage Mechanism of the Integration of Planning, Construction, Management and Service of Indemnificatory Rental Housing in Shanghai
Boshen Wu
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Afternoon Session (12:00-15:00 Beijing Time)
ULTRA SQUARE – Corbusier symbolism in design through the lens of El Lissitzky
Sanaz Hosseinabadi
UNSW School of Built Environment
Thermal comfort in rural houses in China: a review
Jinhao Zhang; Jun Lu; Wu Deng; and Paolo Beccarelli
The University of Nottingham Ningbo China & The University of Nottingham
Soundscape preferences of different companion types in urban public spaces—the cases in Suzhou, China
Jingwen Cao, Jian Kang
University of Sheffield & University of College London
The Role of Water bodies in the Placemaking of Kunming City, Southwest China
摘要录取后,作者需提交不超过6000字的论文正文(含参考文献),论文需是原创文章且未曾在其他地方发表。具体格式要求:a full paper of 6000 words max inclusive of notes and bibliography (use Chicago style; tentatively consider using no more than 5 pics or charts in the paper); provision of high resolution pictures (1 M or larger).
2022年 10月 13日
Welcome and introduction
Whither the New Town in Contemporary Australian Planning?
Robert Freestone & Nicola Pullan
UNSW School of Built Environment
Sustainable Urban Strategies in China: A Case Study of Urban Redevelopment in Shanghai’s Pudong and Taipingqiao Areas
Melis Isil Simsek
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
The Evolution of Urbanization and Planning Practice: A Comparative Study between the UK and China
Tianjie Jiang, Bing Chen, Thomas Moore, John Sturzaker
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University & University of Liverpool & University of Hertfordshire
Second-chance cities? Understanding the economic relationship between primary and secondary cities in an Australian urban context.
Hyung Min Kim & Anthony Kent
University of Melbourne & RMIT University
Rural revitalization or dystopia? Australia’s intensive livestock production and processing landscapes
Joshua Zeunert
UNSW School of Built Environment
The Urbanization of Rural China and Regional Australia: Visions, Strategies and Urban Paradigms in the Context of Asia Pacific Region
Dan Gui, Raffaele Pernice
UNSW School of Built Environment
Country Park and Ecological Restoration in Shanghai’s Rural Revitalization
Nannan Dong; Yongnan Wang; Zhiwei Liu
Tongji University
Culture-led Revitalisation in Chinese Intermediary Cities: Challenges and Opportunities under the Pandemic
Giulio Verdini, Xin Shengxi
University of Westminster & University College London
2022年 10月 14日
Impact Factors of Authenticity Experience and Renewal Strategies of Sojourn Space in Historic District Based on Grounded Theory: A case study of Daxinqiao Lane in Suzhou Pingjiang Road
Leilei Sun,Zehua Xu,Liang Zhang
Soochow University & Suzhou Research Institute of Chinese Historical and Cultural Cities
Transportation transformation towards urban renaissance: A case study in Hangzhou
Xiaohe Zhang, Xia Hua, Haixiao Pan
Tongji University
Former industrial waterfronts as laboratories for sustainable urban planning: comparing recent efforts in Shanghai with cases in New York and Rotterdam
Harry Den Hartog
Tongji University
Study on the Linkage Mechanism of the Integration of Planning, Construction, Management and Service of Indemnificatory Rental Housing in Shanghai
Boshen Wu
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
ULTRA SQUARE – Corbusier symbolism in design through the lens of El Lissitzky
Sanaz Hosseinabadi
UNSW School of Built Environment
Thermal comfort in rural houses in China: a review
Jinhao Zhang; Jun Lu; Wu Deng; and Paolo Beccarelli
The University of Nottingham Ningbo China & The University of Nottingham
Soundscape preferences of different companion types in urban public spaces—the cases in Suzhou, China
Jingwen Cao, Jian Kang
University of Sheffield & University of College London
The Role of Water bodies in the Placemaking of Kunming City, Southwest China
Yun Gao, Adrian Pitts
University of Huddersfield
Wrap up and Conclusive Remarks
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附件文件名:Name_Surname_Summary Title_Paper_NFACR_2022
文件名示例:Name_Surname_Title Paper_Paper_ NFACR_2022
Dr. Raffaele Pernice, UNSW Sydney, r.pernice@unsw.edu.au
陈冰 博士, XJTLU, bing.chen@xjtlu.edu.cn