


日期 发言人 院校 主题 地点 备注
6/27/2024 Dr. Xingzhi Yao IBSS Covariance Asymmetry Risk Premium and Return Predictability BS574 CF Internal Presentation
6/26/2024 Dr. Jia Zhai IBSS Paths, Pasts, or More – a High-Frequency Perspective in Cryptocurrency Volatility BS574 CF Internal Presentation
5/29/2024 Dr. Dan Luo Chinese University of Hong Kong Buesiness School Corporate Finance Through Loyalty Programmes BS 4114 Research Seminar
5/22/2024 Dr. Miaoyin Zhang the School of Finance in Central University of Finance and Economics The Cost of Antitrust and Firm Strategic Mergers and Acquisitions BS574 Research Seminar
5/17/2024 Dr. Chang Qin IBSS Exploring the capability of machine learning models to learn from fund past performance and manager characteristics BS574 Postdoctoral Research Seminar
5/8/2024 Dr. Halis Sak Shenzhen Audencia Financial Technology Institute News-content connections and predictable returens BS574 Research Seminar
4/24/2024 Prof.Xiaoyan Zhang PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University The China-U.S. Equity Valuation Gap BS574 Research Seminar
3/29/2024 Prof. Xiaoxia Ye University of Exeter Business School The Trade Imbalance Network and Currency Returns BS550 Research Seminar
3/29/2024 Prof. Qingwei Wang Finance at Cardiff Business School The Morning After: Late-night TV Shows and the Stock Market Online Research Seminar


Co-Editors: Qing Ye and Stephen Gong. The Journal of Chinese Economics and Business Studies, “Green financial system and green transition in the world”. Call for Papers.