9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
- Date: 24th April, 2021
- Time: 09:00a.m.-16:00p.m.
- Location: G23W, Central Building, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
- Organizor: Human Resource Office, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
- Audience: School Deans, Centre Directors, HoDs, Designated People Managers
- Contact Person: Pei, Wang. pei.wang@xjtlu.edu.cn
XJTLU has been growing rapidly and major changes have been gone through. The University currently is developing with a steady pace.
To commemorate the 15th anniversary of XJTLU, the annual Leadership Forum AY20/21, will take place on 24th April as a special event. In the event, the Senior Management Team and module speakers will be delivering speeches on the University Leadership Agenda AY21/22, XJTLU development and educational support. University management team members will attend the events to gain deep insights into University development, strategic goals and plans so as to manage university schools and departments in a right and long way.