The fourth XJTLU Museum “W•E SALON Classic Series –X Bar Crosstalk” Event


7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

X Bar, South Campus, XJTLU


  • Time: 19:00-20:30, Friday 21 May 2021
  • Venue: X Bar, South Campus, XJTLU


XJTLU Museum launches brand event called “W•E” which is short for “Wisdom & Exploration”. “W•E Salon” is one of the new program which is organized by XJTLU Museum. Renowned artists, entrepreneurs, talk show actors, authors and scholars who are widely recognized for their achievements in different fields will be invited to “W•E Salon”.

Here comes the fourth “W•E Salon” Classic Series event: X Bar Crosstalk Show, Students from Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Cross Talk Club and Su Chow University-Dong-Wu Cross Talk Club will present the quintessence of Chinese culture and their own cross talk show. You are warmly welcomed to join in this event at 19:00 pm on 19th May at X Bar South campus.



  • 高镜程、肖尧:《小偷公司》
  • 路晨昊:《白日梦》
  • 苏厚钧、朱嘉骏:《卖布头》
  • 韩浩鹏、王雨辰:《电信安全》


  • 蒋若云、姚思嘉:《铃铛谱》
  • 陆云飞、史欣然:《白事会》
  • 高鹤威(苏百)、赵鹏帅:《智取威虎山》
  • 王兆博、韩可、张珈睿:《金刚腿》

If you would like to reserve a seat, please scan the application QR code below.

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