The 2021 XJTLU Online Opening Ceremony


9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

G13W, Central Building of XJTLU


  • Time:09:00-10:30AM
  • Date: 29th August, 2021
  • Venue:G13W, Central Building of XJTLU
  • Live Streaming: Tencent and Bilibili
  • Participants: 2021 incoming students, parents (watch online) and staff
  • Host: Sijia Meng, Wuyuzhen Zhang
  • Languages: Chinese and English


If university were a book, then the opening ceremony would be its preface. It provides you with important information, which is the key to unlock the gates of the university.

As the pandemic wears on, it is with regret that we can’t gather together on campus. However, we’ve prepared an online opening ceremony. We hope everyone will participate in and enjoy the activities, and find your own key to unlock the “gates”.

Please find the information below. We sincerely invite you and your families to scan either of the QR codes and watch the livestream.




  • 09:00-09:05. Start of the ceremony and introduction of VIPs and guests
  • 09:05-09:20. An opening speech by Professor Youmin Xi, Executive President of XJTLU
  • 09:20-09:25. Speech by 2021 incoming undergraduate representative
  • 09:25-09:30. Speech by postgraduate student representative
  • 09:30-09:35. Speech by staff & faculty representative
  • 09:35-09:40. Speech by alumni representative
  • 09:40-09:45. Video of closing speech by Professor Wenquan Tao, President of XJTLU
  • 09:45-09:50. Video message from international students
  • 09:50-10:05. Important Notes for New Students
  • 10:05-10:10. End of the ceremony. Closing song: We are Dream Chasers

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