Online Sharing Session: Learning at SoTFA and Preparing for Master’s Programme


8:00 PM - 9:30 PM


  • Time: 8:00pm
  • Date: Wednesday 29 September 2021
  • Venue: Zhumu
  • Language: Bilingual


School of Film and TV Arts will hold an online Sharing Session on September 29, 2021 (Wednesday) at 20:00.

We invited three graduated students from programmes of Digital Media Arts and Film and TV Production, to share their learning experiences at World-Leading Art Schools in the US and UK.

Welcome students interested in choosing the programmes of SoFTA and preparing their master degree applications to participate in this sharing meeting and communicate with us online!


Yimin Lin: Class of 2020, DMA graduate student, offer: MA Photography, Royal College of Art

Shuainan Yang: Class of 2021, DMA graduate student, offer: MA Interactive Telecommunication, New York University

Yongqing Jiang: Class of 2021, FTVP graduate student, offer: MA Directing, School of Visual Arts, New York

Zhumu Link

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Meeting ID: 617 038 744

Contact Person

Heng Deng


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