11:00 AM - 12:00 AM
- Time: 11:00-12:00 a.m.
- Date: 2022.05.22
- Venue: https://xjtlu.zhumu.com/j/606444089
- Language: English
- Speaker: Dr. Xiaoyu Ma
- Topic: Biosensors & Bioassays: from sensing materials to phenotypic and genotypic applications
Biosensors and bioassays, the subclass of the sensor society, are an integral part of everyday life, as they are used for real-time monitoring or endpoint analysis in extensive areas, such as agriculture, environment, healthcare, food, medicine, etc. As far as the mega-trend, marrying them with Internet-of-Things (IoT), is destined to spark the next technology revolution towards “smart” sensing networks. Biosensors and bioassays are designed not only with high sensitivity, high selectivity (low non-specific binding), fast response, but to be compatible and robust in complexed sensing conditions. Thus, sensing materials, as the heart of biosensors, require rational design to achieve aforementioned properties. In today’s talk, I’ll first present how advanced multifunctional materials have been designed and developed to realize biosensing and in vivo bioimaging in the academic research setting, in combination with fundamental biodegradation property studies through mathematical modeling.
Following that, bridging to the real-world biosensing technologies, I’ll cover how multidisciplinary platforms design has been implemented in the industrial research setting to achieve high-throughput sensing performance in both phenotypic assay for drug discovery and genotypic applications. Looking to the future, by applying biosensors and bioassays as the analysis tool, and integrating data driven approaches, establishing accurate and large-scale genotype-phenotype correlations would pave the new way for the applications in a broad spectrum.
Xiaoyu Ma obtained her PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Connecticut in 2017, focusing on advanced materials development for sensing and bioimaging applications. After graduation, she worked for Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research, Inc. (Novartis GNF) as a Postdoctoral Fellow, working on development of phenotypic assays for drug discovery by integrating biosensing technologies and 3D materials. Following that, she joined Illumina, Inc. Research and Technology Development Department as Scientist 1 and promoted to Scientist 2, working on innovations of cutting-edge DNA sequencing platforms. Her current research interests lie in developing advanced modern biosensors, in combination with platform technologies and biomaterials.