2022-06-01 1:30 PM
2022-06-02 12:00 PM
- Time and date: 1.30pm-5.00pm, 1 June 2022
- Time and date: 9.30am-12.00pm, 2 June 2022
- Venue: Online, please refer to the learning mall page: https://www.learningmall.cn/course/view.php?id=302...
- Language: English
The XJTLU Learning and Teaching Colloquium brings together an eclectic and diverse range of colleagues from across the University and beyond who seek to continuously improve their academic and teaching practice through the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). As always, the primary aim of the Colloquium is to provide an opportunity for colleagues to present their evidence of good teaching and learning practice from within their own particular context, and to demonstrate innovation and boldness in trying out new approaches and practices that further enhance the learning experiences of their students.
This year, the theme is Teaching in Transition. The colloquium will include teaching innovations, pedagogical research and reflections on teaching & learning, and discussions of using technology for learning and teaching. Also, there are two panel discussions involving teachers and academic leaders. The themes are, Day 1 June 1st: Teaching in Transition; Day 2 June 2nd: Challenges and opportunities: disciplinary approaches of using technology for learning and teaching transition in the digital era.
Please refer to the learning mall page here