Smart Mobility Analytics Centre (SMAC) of IBSS Research Seminar


1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

BS3114 of South Campus (Online Tencent Meeting ID: 922-827-276)


  • Time: 1:00-2:00pm (China Standard)
  • Date: 7th December 2022
  • Venue: BS3114 of South Campus (Online Tencent Meeting ID: 922-827-276)
  • Theme: Understanding the Socio-spatial Effects of Autonomous Vehicles Using 4 Scenarios


Although there is optimism regarding technological advancement for transport, social outcomes from autonomous vehicles (AVs) are highly uncertain, being dependent on unknowns such as level of technology and transport modes. This research aims to investigate how different AV futures affect accessibility from a socio-spatial perspective. Using a scenario approach, we examined spatial changes induced by AVs under different scenarios and explored how such changes affect accessibility. Key uncertainties related to AVs were explored and mapped, resulting in four different scenarios: mobility as a service, automated luxury scenario, multi-modal and shared automation, and letting go-on highway. Our research shows that the high level of automation and the high-level of sharing mobility together are essential for "accessibility for all", and that the affordability and availability of shared AVs are critical. With the moderate level of automation and sharing mobility, an increase in accessibility across social groups and wider areas is expected due to advanced public transport systems and mobility hub development. Our findings also indicate that the high level of automation combined with non-sharing mobility can have negative impacts on accessibility in advantaged areas such as wealthy inner cities, due to increasing congestion and the limited opportunity for effective land development. We conclude that, despite the high expectations from AVs, the socio-spatial consequences of vehicle automation are far from certain and critical conditions for accessibility and equity should be considered.


Dr Juhyun Lee is an Assistant Professor in Department of Urban Planning and Design at XJTLU. Her fields of research interests are urban infrastructure planning, smart city as socio-technical transitions, smart mobility and accessibility planning, integration of transport and spatial development, and social outcomes from compact city policies. Before joining XJTLU, she had a 15-year experience of working as an urban planning specialist for international organizations including UN-Habitat and Asia Development Bank and research institutes and private consulting firms in Europe and Asia. Recently, she focused on inter-disciplinary research in the field of smart cities transitions and inclusive infrastructure planning.

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