Spanish Companies in China (III Edition): Horizons and challenges in the post-pandemic era


10:00 AM - 12:00 PM


  • Time:10:00 AM
  • Date: 20th of April 2023
  • Venue: Online, Tencent Meeting677-588-291
  • Organizers: Spanish language Division (SPA) of Modern Languages Centre (MLC), School of Languages (SoL); International Business School of Suzhou (IBSS); ICEX España exportación e inversiones
  • Topic: Horizons and challenges in the post-pandemic era


This online session aims to provide an overview of several Spanish top-companies’ business model through a successful process of establishment in China. Representatives of companies invited will briefly present their companies, main lines of business, mission and vision as well as identify the main challenges and cultural differences between Spain and China, related to their process of settling down in China. Finally, they are also invited to speak about their current career opportunities for students, encouraging them to eventually apply for potential internships or training opportunities with them.

There will be some Q&A space at the end of the session for students to make questions about related topics.

XJTLU students of Spanish language and other students from International Business School in general are all invited to attend should they are interested.


Economic and Commercial Office of Spain in Shanghai

  • Juan Jose Zaballa, Commercial of Economic and Commercial Office of Spain in Shanghai

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) 

  • Yameng Zhang, Program Director of BA International Business with a Language (International Business School of Suzhou IBSS)
  • Helen Beech, Dean of the School of Languages (SoL)
  • Alejandro Castellano, Head of Spanish Language Division (SPA)


  • Sabadell Bank
  • Airtificial: Intelligent Robots
  • Eqidata
  • Batz Automotive Systems (Grupo Mondragón)


10:00 – 10: 10 Welcome to participants and opening of the session

  • Ms. Helen Beech as Dean of the School of Languages (SoL)
  • Mr. Juan Jose Zaballa as Commercial of Economic and Commercial Office of Spain in Shanghai

10:10 – 11:25 Spanish Companies representatives

  • 10:10 – 10: 25: Eqidata: Mr. Germán Torrado, Managing Director Asia
  • 10:30 – 10:45: Batz Automotive Systems Grupo Mondragón: Mr. Luis Fernández-Cuevas Rodríguez, Batz General Manager
  • 10:50 – 11:05: Airtificial Intelligent Robots: Mr. Víctor Garanto Fajo, China Branch Manager
  • 11:10 – 11:25: Sabadell Bank, Guillermo Diaz, Managing Director China

11:30 – 11:55 Q&A session. Moderator: Dr. Yameng Zhang, Program Director of BA International Business with a Language.

11:55-12:00 Thanks and closing of session


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