1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room BS548 in IBSS Building, South Campus, XJTLU
Date: 28th April
Time: 1:00 – 5:00 PM
Venue: Room BS548 in IBSS Building, South Campus, XJTLU
Language: English/Chinese
Modern work and leadership requires a relentless focus on performance and outcomes. Those at the top of their game in high performance sports have taught us that sustainable performance only happens when we balance performance and care, or activation and recovery. This requires a degree of self-regulation and skills in managing our stress levels, attention and emotions. In this workshop we dive into what balancing performance and care truly means in the world of modern work, gaining key insights into both neuroscience and the practice of mindfulness that allow us to integrate this balance into our work and leadership skills.
Speaker: Chris Tamdjidi
Director of Awaris, a global mindfulness training company with 70 trainers and 550+ projects per year, and whose clients include the European Commission, HSBC, Bosch and lawmakers across the world. Mr. Tamdjidi worked at the Boston Consulting Group for 7 years, has a degree in Physics and possesses over 30 years’ experience with mindfulness practice, including 7 years spent leading meditation centres.
1:00 – 1:30 Welcome coffee
1:30 – 3:10 Session One: The Science of Performance - Myth and Reality
Introduction to Mindfulness - Science and Evidence
Stress Exercise
3:10 – 3:25 Break
3:25 – 4:50 Session Two: Deepening Mindfulness Practice
Mindfulness at Work and in Leadership
Working with Mindfulness in our Teams