Date: 6-7 June 2023
Venue: 1st Floor, IA Building, XJTLU & Online
Located in Suzhou, China, the School of Languages at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is one of the largest language centres in the world, with over 240 academic staff in its English Language Centre and Modern Languages Centre (which currently teaches Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish). The School is fast-growing and dynamically engaged with the latest digital and transnational trends and developments in EAP and Modern Languages. As part of our commitment to being a global go-to Centre of Excellence, we are hosting a two-day Symposium on 6-7 June 2023.
The theme for this event is "Flying Solo: Fostering Learner Autonomy".
The notion of fostering an environment within which learners are able to lead their own learning experience and develop independent learning abilities has been prevalent amidst many key practices employed within classroom settings in recent times. A learner’s ability ‘to take charge’ within such settings involves learners being actively engaged in student learning, being privy to a variety of choices and decision-making opportunities, being afforded relevant support, options, and resources where necessary, and being given appropriate feedback where possible. Learner Autonomy principles may be delivered, implemented, and facilitated in a variety of ways and have the potential to impact a learner’s educational experience in both positive and negative ways. The School of Languages at XJTLU June 2023 Symposium focuses on learner autonomy and current developments in this practice within the language learning environment.
Symposium Schedule
We are delighted to announce that our symposium programme over the course of the two days will include 6 Plenary and Featured Speakers, 55 different presentations, workshops, and roundtable discussions, plus a series of lightning talks.
CLICK HERE to download the schedule with more details;
CLICK HERE to download the symposium booklet.
N.B. The symposium delivery format will be HyFlex, with sessions being delivered onsite and online. Most onsite sessions will also have an option for online attendance. While most sessions will be delivered in English, some sessions will be delivered in Chinese or Japanese.
Online Meeting Information
For our online participants, we will be using Tencent Meeting. Each room will have a stable URL for the entire event and will be tied to a specific onsite room. The links that will be used for the event are as follows:
Tencent Meeting Account | Onsite Venue | Personal Meeting Room ID | Password | URL |
solevent01 | IA G028 | 341-400-2657 | 230606 | |
solevent02 | IA G08 | 323-047-2584 | 230606 | |
solevent03 | IA 103 | 926-023-8926 | 230606 | |
solevent04 | IA 107 | 475-622-7190 | 230606 | |
solevent05 | IA 121 | 301-687-4683 | 230606 | |
solevent06 | IA 125 | 328-298-9345 | 230606 | |
If you are based outside of China, the international version of Tencent Meeting is called Voov Meeting and can be downloaded here:
Call for Registration
Although there is no charge for participating in this symposium, we would like to ask all attendees (both onsite and online) to register in advance. This will greatly assist us in terms of planning the event.
For the first 200 onsite attendees to register, we will provide a welcome pack (including a printed booklet of all the session abstracts) as well as a free lunch on both days.
Please click here to complete the registration form.
Plenary and Featured Speakers
CLICK HERE to download the campus map.