CHE Seminar: Towards energy catalytic process: advanced characterization methodology and materials Interdisciplinary, reaction mechanism visualization


11:00 AM - 1:00 PM



Date: December 21, 2023 (Thur)
Time: 11 a.m.-noon
Venue: SA136(Onset)
Lecturer: Prof. Jiangwei Zhang
Title: Towards energy catalytic process: advanced characterization methodology and materials Interdisciplinary, reaction mechanism visualization


The development of PDF/XES/XAS/XRD et al. combined with ATR-SEIRAS/Raman/fs-TA/fs-PL/PALS et al. Advanced characterization methodology to achieve Operando/In situ multi-spectrum coupling for atomically precise materials dynamically detection and determination methodology. The definite holographic "structure activity relationship" including PDH, Photo/electro CO2RR;OER;ORR;HE;NRR regarding the materials structure and molecule reaction mechanism visualization during key energy catalytic process employ Single-atom and nanocluster materials as ideal structural model was established. Through High throughput computing including mathematical modeling, DFT calculation and AI, large database regarding the origin and regulation principle of material properties was built to Material property prediction screening and further guide the corresponding high performance new materials rational design precise synthesis. "Relay iteration loop" General Methodology Platform to high-performance new materials development process revolution was established. He also fuscous on Lab-based XAFS Instrument development and application.


Professor Jiangwei Zhang is currently a “Steed plan High level Talents” Professor, “Grassland Talents” of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Principle Investigator from Science Center of Energy Material and Chemistry under leadership of Dean Academician Dongyuan Zhao; Inner Mongolia University. Currently, His researches fuscous on the common key scientific issues of material field “Advanced characterization methodology and energy catalytic materials Interdisciplinary”. He has published 172 innovative and high level publications with H-index = 40, i10-index = 113 including Nat. Catal. (1), Chem (1), J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2), Adv. Mater. (2), Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (4), Nat. Commun. (1), Energ. Environ. Sci. (1), Adv. Energy Mater. (2) as the co-corresponding author. A monograph of Olex2 structure determination and refinement has published.

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