Invitation | Join the Asia Pacific launch to discuss findings of World Happiness Report 2024

Happiness and well-being are universally pursued and expected goals for people worldwide. They are becoming increasingly important indicators for assessing the sustainability of a country or society’s development. In 2012, the United Nations announced March 20th as the International Day of Happiness and released the first World Happiness Report on April 1st of the same year. The report aims to investigate the happiness index of different countries around the globe.

Professor Shun Wang, Senior Associate Professor at the International Business School Suzhou in Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and an Editor of the World Happiness Report, will moderate the event on Thursday, 21st March 2024. The free webinar, co-hosted by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and the University of Oxford’s Wellbeing Research Centre, will examine insights through an Asia-Pacific regional lens. Researchers, policymakers and members of the public interested in the science of happiness are invited to join a live discussion of the findings of the World Happiness Report in 2024.


Conference Details:

Date and Time: Thursday, 21 March 2024 at 4PM

Registration Link:


Conference Theme

The 2024 edition of the World Happiness Report focuses on happiness ‘through the ages’, with a closer look at well-being among children and young people across different global regions; an examination of the well-being impact of dementia among older generations; and an analysis of happiness across ageing groups within India’s 1.4billion+ population.


Speakers and Topic:

  1. Oxford Research Fellow, Dr Wanying Zhou, discussing child and adolescent wellbeing findings from the 2024 report.
  2. Independent researcher, Dr Shobhit Srivastava, on life satisfaction among older adults in India.
  3. Associate Professor of Psychology and Deputy Director of the Centre for Research on Successful Ageing at Singapore Management University, Dr William Tov.
  4. Professor and Chair of Wellbeing and Public Policy at the Wellington School of Business and Government, Prof Arthur Grimes.
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