2024-05-31 12:00 AM
2024-06-02 11:00 PM
School of Languages, XJTLU
DATE: 31 May - 2 June, 2024
LOCATION: Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU),Suzhou, Jiangsu, China
Located in Suzhou, China, the School of Languages at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is one of the largest language centres in the world, with over 250 academic staff in its English Language Centre and Modern Languages Centre (which currently teaches Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish). The School is fast-growing and dynamically engaged with the latest digital and transnational trends and developments in EAP and Modern Languages.
We find ourselves at a pivotal moment where the role of generative AI and other technological tools is reshaping the way we teach and learn languages. The question that lies before us is not whether these innovations will shape the future, but rather how we, as educators, will harness their potential to create meaningful and effective language instruction. The title of our conference, No Fate: The Future is Not Set, underscores our belief that the future is not predetermined. We hope that our conference will serve both as a platform for collaboration and a catalyst for change as it is via the collective effort of educators, researchers, and innovators that the trajectory of language teaching and learning will be determined. By fostering collaboration, sharing insights, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible, we can shape the future of language education.
We are delighted to announce our conference programme, which features our distinguished plenary speakers plus over 100 sessions and more than 150 different speakers, all delivering their sessions in-person at our SIP campus in Suzhou, China. We are also proud of the international nature of our conference, with our speakers representing more than 60 different universities and institutions from all over the world. For full details of the programme, please visit our conference platform (https://solconference2024.sched.com/).
Early bird rate (available until 31 March): 800 RMB
Standard rate (available until 30 April): 1000 RMB
Deadline: Tuesday, 30 April 2024
To register, please click here to complete the registration form. After completing the registration form, you will be sent a link to complete the payment.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at
Contact Us
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at SoLConference2024@xjtlu.edu.cn