Aim: Facilitate educational communication and collaboration across campuses
Date & Time: 14:00 – 15:30, 25 September 2024, Wednesday
Venue: SIP South Campus HS Building G02 and hybrid for both campuses via Tencent
Speakers: Chief Officer of Education and Leader of XEC Leadership Team, Associate Dean of EEH, etc.
Audiences: MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme Director, MSc Cultural and Creative Industries Programme Director, Pathway Directors and Relevant Colleagues including Deans of School, Heads of Department and School Managers, Open Registration to All Faculty
- Sharing of Principles of Degree Programmes for Cross Campuses by Chief Officer of Education and Leader of XEC Leadership Team (20 min)
- The Pathway Development of MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation (15 min)
- The Pathway Development of MSc Cultural and Creative Industries (15 min)
- Discussion on Challenges and Solutions (40 min)
Meeting Link: