Call for Abstracts and Papers | The First XJTLU-UoL-XJTU Postgraduate Research Joint Conference & 2025 XJTLU Postgraduate Research Symposium

2024-12-20 11:59 PM

The annual XJTLU Postgraduate Research Symposium has been a successful academic event since 2019, providing a forum for exchanging and discussing research ideas among doctoral researchers from a wide range of disciplinary areas. Postgraduate research (PhD) students from universities and institutes all over the world are warmly welcomed to showcase their latest research through poster and oral presentation sessions at XJTLU, engage in discussions, and receive feedback from academics, industry experts, and fellow students. In addition, all participants will have the opportunity to directly communicate with industry experts and visit prominent companies within Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP) to gain firsthand insights into technology implementation and explore potential collaborative opportunities.

This year, there will be a joint conference session "The First XJTLU-UoL-XJTU Postgraduate Research Joint Conference", co-hosted by Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), University of Liverpool (UoL), and Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU), aiming to establish a joint PGR community focused on academic communication and collaboration among PhD students.

Date: 19 -21 March 2025

Theme: The Journey from Research to Impact - Translation and Application of Academic Findings into Practical Solutions

Hosted by: Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), University of Liverpool (UoL), Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU)

Supported by: UK-Jiangsu World Class University Consortium


  • Currently registered PhD students of Year 2 or above who are able to present their research in English
  • The presented research falls into one of the following disciplines: Architecture; Biological Sciences; Business; Chemistry; China Studies; Civil Engineering; Computer Science and Software Engineering; Education; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; English, Culture and Communication; Environmental Science; Industrial Design; International Relations; Mathematical Sciences; Public Health; Urban Planning and Design

Registration and submission

Due to the limited availability of places, applicants must register and submit their academic papers and posters to the symposium by the deadlines outlined below. Participants will be informed of the decision whether they are selected to be presenting at the symposium before 24 January 2025.

  Deadline How to Submit
Registration and Paper Submission 20 December 2024 Click Link or scan the QR code

Poster Submission 17 January 2025 Click Link or scan the QR code

* XJTLU students can check the relevant email notification sent by the XJTLU Graduate School for registration.

Submission guidelines

Abstract submission

At the time of registration, you should submit an abstract that does not exceed 150 words.

Paper submission

At the time of registration, you should submit an academic paper of your research. The paper should not exceed 2 single-spaced pages (excluding references and tables) and include the following:

  • A description of your study, including research questions and aims, methodology and key findings, and practical implications of the study
  • References, tables and figures that support the research

Poster submission

The poster could be either a research-focused poster, highlighting selected aspects of your research project, or a public outreach poster, offering an introduction to the wider research field in which your research is based.

Your poster must be in A1 portrait format (80cm*120cm) and should include:

  • Paper/research title and all authors
  • Summary of main research problem/question, aims and objectives of the project, methodology, key findings and practical implication of the study
  • References

You may find some samples of academic posters here for reference.

The best-designed posters are graphically rich presentations of your research that highlight and summarise the main points, using clear and concise language, without jargon, to reach the widest possible audience inside or outside of your discipline.

Fees and expenses

There is no registration fee. Participants are responsible for their own transportation and accommodation expenses.

Contact us


Tel: +86 (0)512 8897 3083   +86 (0)512 8897 0311

Address: 111 Ren’ ai Road, SIP, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China

Please visit XJTLU Postgraduate Research Symposium for more information.

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