Post-quantum cryptography, a new era


9:30 AM - 10:30 AM



  • Time: 9.30 am-10.30 am
  • Date: Friday, January 12, 2024
  • Venue: MA105
  • Speaker: Prof. Xiaoming He (Missouri University of Science and Technology)


Public key cryptosystems (PKC) are the security foundation of modern communication systems, in particular, the Internet. However Shor's algorithm shows that the existing PKC like Diffie-Hellmann key exchange, RSA and ECC can be broken by a quantum computer. To prepare for the coming age of quantum computing, we need to build new public key cryptosystems that could resist quantum computer attacks. In this lecture, we will give an introduction to post-quantum cryptography and its recent developments, in particular, the NIST standardization process and its impact. Then we will present a practical and provably secure (authenticated) key exchange protocol based on the learning with errors problems, which is conceptually simple and has strong provable security properties. This new construction was established in 2011-2012. We will explain that all the existing LWE-based key exchanges are variants of this fundamental design. Then we will discuss key reuse attacks on those key exchanges and its security implications.


Jintai Ding is a professor at Tsinghua University and BIMSA. He received his B.A. From Xian Jiaotong University in 1988 and Ph.D from Yale in 1995. He was a lecturer at RIMS of Kyoto University for 1995-1998. In 2006-2007, he was a visiting professor and Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow at TU Darmstadt. He received the Zhong Jia Qing Prize from the Chinese Mathematical Society in 1990. His research was originally in quantum affine algebras, where he was credited for the invention of the Ding-Iohara-Miki algebra. His current interest is in post-quantum cryptography.  He and his colleagues developed the Rainbow signature and the LWE-based key exchange schemes. Rainbow is a third round candidate for the NIST post-quantum standardization process. He and his colleagues completely broke a NIST second round post-quantum signature candidate LUOV and a third round candidate GeMSS (HFEv-),which won the honorable mention of the best paper award for crypto 2021. He is one of the designers of Kyber KEM scheme which is selected as a key establishment standard by the NIST of USA, for which he licensed his patent.
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