13 Jan 2016
Boris Tefsen has just had a paper published on his professional experiences to date in China. The paper in Protein & Cell (published online in December 2016), describes his time in Beijing as a member of the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as his more recent experiences in Suzhou as a faculty member in our Department.
Boris's time in Beijing coincided with several major virus outbreaks, not least the emergence of human-infecting H7N9 influenza strains in China, back in the spring of 2013, the SARS-related corona virus MERS, and the Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa in 2014. Thus, he has had a fascinating insight into how Chinese science operates in the face of globally significant health threats. The article is accompanied by some excellent photos, including a nice one of our students Xinzhu Fei and Jing Zhang. We look forward to learning about the next instalment of Boris's adventure in China.
13 Jan 2016