02 Sep 2016
The Institute of Leadership and Education Advanced Development at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University held two training sessions in August.
Almost 40 participants from universities across China attended a training programme based on the research-led teaching that takes place at XJTLU.
Participants from Jilin University, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Hunan University, Zhejiang University of Technology and Taishan University took part in the programme, which was the second of its kind organised by ILEAD.
The training, which integrated educational ideas from east and west, aimed to help participants apply a research-led approach to their practice. It is hoped the training will contribute to the reform of higher education in China and the improvement of education quality.
Guest speakers invited to the programme shared their opinions and experience on various aspects including XJTLU’s student-centred and research-led teaching approach, the value of XJTLU’s research-led teaching and learning, curriculum design, teaching activities and practices as well as teaching feedback.
Based on his experience of teaching mathematics and physics, Dr Hao Yu, a lecturer in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at XJTLU, shared details on how to encourage students’ motivation to learn and help them form their own learning methods.
Dr Chin Chee Seong, head of the Department of Civil Engineering at XJTLU, gave participants information on the process of designing a research-led curriculum as well as the assessment and evaluation.
Dr Bing Chen from XJTLU’s Department of Urban Planning and Design shared methods for organising in-class teaching based on his own teaching practices. Dr Jie Zhang, lecturer in International Business School Suzhou at XJTLU introduced XJTLU’s teaching assessment and evaluation mechanisms.
As a specially invited guest, Dr Hongping Fei from the School of Business at East China University of Science and Technology introduced how to generate a new teaching model based on the characteristics of the digital era, the social demand for talents and students’ learning demands.
She said: “I’m grateful that XJTLU has established a platform for us to meet many outstanding teaching professionals, discuss teaching reform and exchange ideas with each other.”
Junzhe Guan, training manager of ILEAD, added: “The second research-led teaching programme is clearer in content and purpose than the first one. The activity were carried out in workshop style and participants were divided into several groups across universities and disciplines to discuss and present their own ideas and research.”
From admin-centred to student-centred
Twenty-four administrative staff from Wenzhou-Kean University participated in a three-day training session held at XJTLU from 23 to 25 August.
The training aimed to inspire participants to rethink the role and position of administrative staff in the development of a university, and to help them transform their thinking from a traditional admin-centred model to a student-centred model.
Training participant Lisu Lu wanted to learn from XJTLU’s 10 years of experience to solve the problems they have met during the operation of Wenzhou-Kean University.
She said: “Wenzhou-Kean also promotes a student-centred approacj, but we are still at the theoretical level. XJTLU has very good support system and has realised a student-centred approach in both its physical environment and management. I think it’s worth us learning how to put our theory into practice in a more effective way.”
02 Sep 2016

ILEAD holds first teaching workshop
The Institute of Leadership and Education Advanced Development at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University held its first workshop on teaching recently.Forty-two ...
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