Harvard dean visits XJTLU

19 Apr 2017

Academic staff from the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University visited Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.

Dr Fawwaz Habbal, executive dean for Education and Research in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University, visited XJTLU to learn about the experiences of setting up an international university in China. He was accompanied by Yu Jiqiang, deputy director of the Science & Technology and Information Bureau of Suzhou Industrial Park Administrative Committee.

Professor David O’Connor, head of the Department of Biological Sciences, welcomed Dr Habbal and they discussed different educational approaches and the challenges of establishing high-calibre science departments.

Dr Habbal was interested in XJTLU’s experience in designing labs from scratch as well as the necessity and challenges associated with importing scientific equipment and reagents from outside China.

After the meeting, Dr Habbal toured the Department’s research laboratories and said that he was impressed.

Commenting on the visit, Professor O’Connor said: ‘It’s always enjoyable to show visitors what has been achieved at XJTLU. It was also fascinating to find out more about how Dr Habbal’s School at Harvard organizes its teaching programmes’.

Before joining Harvard in 2002, Dr Habbal founded two companies, and also served as vice-president and director of Research for the Polaroid Corporation.

19 Apr 2017