​Institution of Civil Engineers student meeting at XJTLU

10 Nov 2017

An annual exchange meeting among all five student chapters of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) in China was held at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.

Over 40 students from Shanghai University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Tongji University, University of Nottingham Ningbo, and XJTLU attended the one-day event that aimed to promote professional learning among all the student chapters of ICE in China.

Dr Papadikis Konstantinos (pictured above), head of the Department of Civil Engineering at XJTLU, welcomed the participants and briefly introduced XJTLU and the Department.

Dr Hyungjoon Seo (pictured below), also from the Department of Civil Engineering, gave a presentation to introduce his international research collaborations on smart monitoring systems for infrastructure.

At the end of the event all the students took part in a game called ‘Little Match Strongman’: students were divided into groups of three or four and were required to apply their knowledge of mechanical principles to devise support structures for heavy loads using string and a few matchsticks.

Founded in 1818, the Institution of Civil Engineers is a professional membership body and one of the most influential organisations for civil engineers with over 90,000 members worldwide.

story provided by the Department of Civil Engineering; photos by Liping Tian; edited by Guojuan Wang and Danny Abbasi

10 Nov 2017


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