XJTLU recognised for teaching excellence by local government

12 Sep 2018

Seventeen educators from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University have been commended by local government bodies this month for their outstanding teaching practice.

In honour of national Teachers’ Day on September 10, the Suzhou Municipal Education Bureau, Suzhou Industrial Park Education Bureau and Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation District (SEID) recognised a number of educators in Suzhou for their contribution to teaching and learning in the district.

Professor Minzhu Yang, vice president of XJTLU, accepted the ‘Suzhou Industrial Park Outstanding Educational Institute’ award on behalf of XJTLU, which acknowledged the University’s significant contribution to advancing education in the Suzhou Industrial Park area.

A team of academic staff at XJTLU were also recognised, receiving the award for ‘High-end Talents Convergence Project Identified Personnel of SEID’. Dr Martijn ten Bhömer accepted the award on behalf of his colleagues.

Dr Yi Zou from the Department of Environment Science, Dr Xiaonan Tang from the Department of Civil Engineering, Dr Yina Liu from the Department of Mathematical Sciences, and Dr Jia Meng from the Department of Biological Sciences were all honoured, each receiving an ‘Outstanding educator of Suzhou’ award.

Dr Xiaojun Zhang, deputy director of the Institute of Leadership and Education Advanced Development at XJTLU, Dr Jimin Xiao from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Dr Qiang Niu from the Department of Mathematical Sciences commended, receiving awards in the ‘Outstanding educator of Suzhou Industrial Park’ category.

By Luyun Shi, translated by Hongjing Gou, edited by Guojuan Wang and Rosanna Galvin

Full list of XJTLU staff who received awards:

Outstanding educator of Suzhou

  • Dr Yi Zou, Department of Environmental Science
  • Dr Xiaonan Tang, Department of Civil Engineering
  • Dr Yina Liu, Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • Dr Jia Meng, Department of Biological Sciences

Outstanding educator of Suzhou Industrial Park

  • Dr Xiaojun Zhang, deputy director of XJTLU’s Institute of Leadership and Education Advanced Development
  • Dr Jimin Xiao, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Dr Qiang Niu, Department of Mathematical Sciences

High-end Talents Convergence Project Identified Personnel of SEID

  • Professor Zhiyue Bo, director of the XIPU Institution
  • Dr Lei Fan, Department of Civil Engineering
  • Dr Siew Woh Choo, Department of Biological Sciences

Key educators in science and education

  • Dr Yi Zou, Department of Environmental Science
  • Dr Xin Huang, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
  • Dr Yan Zhao, Department of English
  • Dr Martijn ten Bhömer, Department of Industrial Design
  • Dr Youzhou Zhou, Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • Dr Jinsong Xu, Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • Dr Lin Yang, Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • Dr Jiajun Liu, Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • Dr Yina Liu, Department of Mathematical Sciences

12 Sep 2018


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