02 May 2019
A delegation of international journalists from Germany, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Mongolia, Vietnam, and Singapore visited Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University on April 27 as part of their visit to Suzhou.
The visit was organised by the Suzhou Municipal Government to give international audiences a chance to see the development of Suzhou over the past seven decades firsthand.
Led by Professor Youmin Xi, executive president of XJTLU, the journalists undertook a campus tour starting from the XJTLU Museum.“Our campus itself is a museum, designed to immerse students in the university’s culture and education philosophy from every corner,” Professor Xi said.
The journalists also got the chance to hear about the University’s research highlights and progress with Professor Eng Gee Lim (pictured below), dean of Research an Graduate Studies, providing an overview of key research projects.
Students from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering demonstrated three model robotic cars, which have the potential of improving precision in cartography. The students also invited the journalists to try virtual reality devices to see research in a new way.
Woramate Sukhumanant, a Year Four student majoring in financial mathematics from Thailand, was one of four international students who talked to the journalist delegation about their experiences studying in China.
“Domestic and international students mingle really well together at XJTLU,” Sukhumanant said.
“We attend classes together and enjoy the same services on campus. That’s what I like the most about the University.”
Yan Shen, deputy director of the administration committee at Suzhou Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation District; Dr Xin Bi, deputy director of the Centre for Knowledge and Information; and representatives from the local government also joined Professor Xi and students in welcoming the international journalists on campus.
By Heyang Liu; edited by Yixue Yang and Rosanna Galvin
Photos by Yuanyuan Du
02 May 2019