07 Jul 2021
Part-time Teachers (as module leaders)
Urban Design Studio
Duration: Semester 1, 2021-2022 (4 months, Sep. – Dec. 2021)
Vacancy: 2 positions
Location: XJTLU North Campus
Salary: 7,500RMB – 15,000RMB per month (subject to the delivery requirements of each module and individual qualification)
Application Closing Date: 31 July 2021 (early submission of applications is encouraged)
Essential Qualifications:
- Master degree above in urban design, urban planning or architecture
- Teaching experience at higher education Fluent in English
Terms and Conditions (labour regulations):
Chinese (Mainland) Citizens are preferred
Residents in Suzhou are preferred (non-Chinese)
Informal enquiries may be addressed to:
Prof. Joon Sik Kim, Head of Department
Roles & Responsibilities:
The appointee will serve as a module leader and be responsible for delivering one of the studio modules of:
- Skills for Planning Practice (Year 2, 180 students): 13 lecture hours, 26 tutorial hours, teaching a variety of skills and techniques useful to pursue their study in urban planning and design
- Spatial Design and the Built Environment I (Year 3, 100 students): 13 lecture hours, 6 seminar hours, 33 tutorial hours, an introduction to the principles and techniques of contemporary urban design
The responsibilities include:
- Preparation of the module delivery (incl. module handbook) Organization and delivery of the module teaching (lectures, seminars, tutorials, and site visits)
- Coordination of part-time tutors for studio tutorials assessment design and marking (may include resit)
- Delivery of other tasks agreed with HoD
To Apply:
Applications must be submitted in a single PDF that includes:
- A cover letter (incl. email, telephone/WeChat contact details)
- A current CV (incl. country of citizenship)
- Teaching and/or project portfolio
Submit to: Wenjun.Lin@xjtlu.edu.cn
Part-time Tutors (as studio tutors)
Urban Design Studio
Duration: Semester 1, 2021-2022 (14 weeks, Sep. – Dec. 2021)
Vacancy: 9 positions (urban design studios in UG and PG)
Location: XJTLU North Campus
Salary: 2,000 RMB per session (max 4 hours each session) – 1-2 sessions/week subject to the delivery requirements of each module
Travel expenses: 100 RMB/session (Suzhou resident), 200 RMB for others (Shanghai, etc.)
Application Closing Date: 31 July 2021 (early submission of applications is encouraged)
Roles & Responsibilities:
- Deliver urban design class as a studio tutor
- Assist marking practice
Essential Qualifications:
- Master degree in urban design, urban planning, or architecture
- Teaching experience at higher education
- Fluent in English
Terms and Conditions (labour regulations):
Chinese (Mainland) Citizens are preferred
Residents in Suzhou are preferred (non-Chinese)
Informal enquiries may be addressed to:
Prof. Joon Sik Kim, Head of Department
To Apply:
Applications must be submitted in a single PDF that includes:
- A cover letter (incl. email, telephone/WeChat contact details)
- A current CV (incl. country of citizenship)
- Teaching and/or project portfolio
Submit to: Wenjun.Lin@xjtlu.edu.cn
07 Jul 2021