Good news of ECO department in AY2020/2021 S2

22 Sep 2021

2020-2021 S2 Kudos

Dr. Zhenyu Su was invited by the Department of Real Estate, Konkuk University, South Korea, to be an external doctoral dissertation defense committee member. He accepted the invitation and attended the viva for their Ph.D. candidate on April 23. Dr. Zhenyu Su also attended the 27th European Real Estate Society Annual Conference remotely on June 3; and presented a working paper titled "Short-term Booking and Rents Cycles: an Evidence from Asian and European Cities". In addition, Dr. Zhenyu Su addressed a talk titled "Introduction to the Real Estate Market" for the students of the business school at the IBSS public talk series. Since XJTLU is participating in the Solar Decathlon China 2021 construction event started on August 24 in Zhangjiakou city. From August 24 to September 4, Dr. Zhenyu Su represented IBSS to attend this event as a materials procurement specialist and market potential researcher.

Dr. Anton Bondarev published a joint work with Dr. Dmirtry Gromov and Dr. Ekaterina Gromova, titled “On periodic solution to control problem with time-driven switching”, in the Optimization Letters (JCR Q1 in Control and Optimization, IF 1.5) on 19th May 2021. This is one of the research outcomes for the 3-year project “Multiplicity of regimes in dynamics of renewable energy development: Horizons for applications to China energy policy funded by KSF”, in which Dr. Anton Bondarev acts as the principal investigator. You may find more details of this paper from the following link

Dr. Linjia Zhang was appointed officially as a member of the Editorial Board for Tourism Economics in April 2021. Tourism Economics is an internationally leading journal in the tourism field and is ranked as ABDC A.

Dr. Yaxiong Li attended the 2021 Economic Science Association (ESA) Global Online Around-the Clock Conference, July 7 – 9, 2021; and was invited to be the guest speaker for business learning sharing meeting organized by the Business Student Association (BSA) on 15th May, 2021 at IBSS. Dr. Yaxiong Li also get her joint paper “An experimental study of gender differences in agency relationships”, coauthored with Erwann Sbai and Ananish Chaudhuri, published at the Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Economics in 2021.

Dr. Addison Pan was invited to organize a special session of “Stochastic Choice” at the 20th Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET) Conference hosted by the Seoul National University, Korea, 14-17 June 2021; at the conference, she also contributed a talk titled “Empirical Tests of Stochastic Binary Choice Models”. Dr. Addison Pan also presented her work “The quasi strictly proper maximum decision rule” at the International Philosophy, Political Science and Economics (PPE) Conference on Social Choice and Voting Theory sponsored by the Kellogg Center or Philosophy Polities, and Economics, 17-19 June 2021 Moreover, the IBSS Development Fund (SFP) for research into ''Aggregate Private Vehicle demand in China: A duet study of the seemingly unrelated regression approach with dynamic factor forecasting method,'' was granted to Dr. Addison Pan (PI) and Dr. Zhuojiong Gan (AI) over a two year period (2021-2022), with the amount of RMB 67,200. The single authored paper of Dr. Addison Pan “Empirical Tests of Stochastic Binary Choice Models,” was accepted for publication at Theory and Decision (ABDC Ranking: A), 2nd Sep, 2021. The Economics Theory Study Group initiated by Dr. Addison Pan had its first public talk on 29th April, 2021, themed “Paradoxes”. More than 50 students attended the talk. More series of talks regarding asymptotic theory (Dr. Zhuojiong Gan, XJTLU), binary outcome model and multinomial model (Leo Lin, Washington University in St.Louis) are scheduled.

Dr. Marc Gronwald presented the paper “Co-Movement of Climate Time Series - Global, hemispheric and local
applications”, a joint project with Dr Xin Jin, at two prestigious conferences: first, the 10th Congress of the Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics; second, the 5th Conference on Econometric Models of Climate Change. This paper contributes to the literature on Climate Econometrics; a research area which applies econometric methods in order to improve the understanding of interaction of human activity and climate change.

Dr. Fan Liu’s joint work with Dr. Kass-Hanna and Dr. Lyons, titled “Building financial resilience through financial and digital literacy in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa”, was accepted for publication at Emerging Markets Review [ABDC-A, JCR IF 4.073], August 2021.

22 Sep 2021