XJTLU Launches Pedagogical Publishing Support Programme

13 Sep 2023

6-7 September, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University unveiled its innovative Pedagogical Publishing Support (PPS) programme on SIP campus and Taicang campus. Developed by the Educational Develop Unit (EDU), it offers academic staff a platform to articulate and amplify their teaching methods, practice-based research and communicate with a larger audience.

“The pedagogical publishing support programme is designed to encourage pedagogical research and scholarship of teaching and learning under the banner of professional development for staff. It fosters a culture of reward and recognition for quality teaching and practice-based research by adding value to staff efforts and achievements by helping them disseminate their teaching practice. It is accessible through the interactive virtual learning environment (VLE) pages and consultations with EDU mentors in a blended format, modelling both bichronous use of educational technologies as well as enacting ideas about motivation and engagement by enhancing value in working with EDU,” says Charlie Reis, Director of EDU.

Charlie Reis, Director of EDU

Yu Wang, the PPS program coordinator and the deputy director of EDU, introduces: “EDU designs a three-stage support to help staff know what kind of support they need in order to determine their knowledge about pedagogical research, refine the issues and questions they want to explore in order to prepare for a one-on-one consultation with EDU staff, and identify potential outlets for publishing and dissemination.” Staff are asked to take a survey to position themselves to different stages before taking the programme:

Stage 1 is for those who still need to start their pathological research. The aim is to provide basic information and guide individuals through the initial stages of pedagogical research, helping them decide if this is the area they want to begin. It can raise research awareness, value awareness, and motivate participants for the next stage.

Stage 2 is intended for motivated individuals with ideas to share. It offers two types of support: personal guidance on research ideas and assistance in narrowing down and clarifying research problems or questions. The objective is to help participants determine if their research problem can be solved and get their research started or conducted.

Stage 3 is to support individuals who already have something in place. At this stage, our goal is to assist staff in maximizing the impact of their project, specifically through publication. EDU consultants will help them choose the appropriate format for publication. Additionally, consultants will assess the additional effort required to enhance the project further.

Yu Wang, the PPS program coordinator and the deputy director of EDU

Yexiang Wu, an instructional designer from EDU, explains: “After submitting the survey, staff will receive a score. Based on the score, staff can proceed to different stages. And our consultants will offer support accordingly. We used a principle of design for individualized learning using technology to enhance our support for staff.”

Yexiang Wu, an instructional designer from EDU

Yu Wang added: “The consultants include EDU Educational Developers, UoL academic developers and departmental professors, and XITLU faculty through Community of Practice.”

Qiuchen Dong from the Department of Chemistry, who joined the programme, says: “Pedagogical publishing provides an excellent opportunity for XJTLU staff to enhance their expertise following the completion of the PGCert in pedagogical teaching and innovation. It helps us to elevate our teaching experience across various aspects of the learning process.”

Qiuchen Dong, Department of Chemistry

During the event, Dr Charles Buckley from the University of Liverpool also introduced the development of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and spoke about Developing Academic Practice, the journal he edits.

Dr Yuyi Zhu from School of Intelligent Manufacturing Ecosystem, Dr Fan Zhu from School of Robotics, and Dr Mustafa Ozguven from Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Hub give keynote speeches on Taicang campus on 7 September.

The PPS programme embodies XJTLU’s commitment to excellence in teaching and learning, promising to enrich the academic experience for educators and students. For more information and to register for the programme, visit here.


By Xiaoyan Jin

Edited by Charlie Reis

13 Sep 2023