Researchers explore star cluster in XJTLU

14 Nov 2023

A workshop centred around the star cluster took place at XJTLU’s School of Mathematics and Physics on 28 October.

From observations to simulations, the workshop featured a comprehensive exploration of star clusters, encompassing observational studies and simulation-based investigations, which cast valuable insight into hit issues in the area.

Speakers at the workshop included the most outstanding researchers in the field of star clusters, including Professor Rainer Spurzem, a well-known scientist on star cluster simulations.

Other well-known physicists also delivered lectures in the series, including Professor Licai Deng, who are from the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences(NAOC), Peking University, and other renowned worldwide universities.

Professor M.B.N. (Thijs) Kouwenhoven, the Head of the Department of Physics from the School of Mathematics and Physics, gave a warm welcome to everyone’s attendance at the beginning of the workshop.

The workshop is aimed to foster exchanges and facilitate effective communication among astronomers involved in observations and NBODY simulations.

“To achieve this, we have scheduled dedicated discussion sessions during the workshop, enhancing scientific dialogue focused on star cluster research and promoting the development of robust collaborations,” says the organiser, Dr Xiaoying Pang, from the Department of Physics.

During the workshop, which covered a wide range of topics in the area of star cluster from observations to numerical simulations, speakers explored New Opportunities for Observational Studies of Star Clusters at Lenghu (Professor Licai Deng), The Impact of Initial Rotation on the Dynamical Evolution of Star Clusters (Dr Albrecth Kamlah) and How Can Charity Support Astronomy (Dr Qi Shu).

“Because of the friendlier atmosphere in the workshop and everyone's increased relaxation, codiscussion is more open and effective,” says Dr Qi Shu, one of the speakers.

The star cluster workshop is organised by the Department of Physics, School of Mathematics and Physics.

At the end of the workshop, to appreciate and honour Professor Rainer Spurzem’s significant contribution to N-body simulations, the workshop organised a surprise ceremony to celebrate Professor Rainer Spurzem’s honourable retirement.

By Qinru Liu

Photos courtesy of  Tron

14 Nov 2023