Civil Engineering academic wins 2nd prize in teaching competition

15 Jan 2024

In the 12th Jiangsu Province University Civil Engineering (Intelligent Construction) Young Teachers’ Teaching Competition recently held in Jiangsu University, Zhengjiang, Dr Shu Tang from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University’s Department of Civil Engineering won the 2nd prize. A total number of 138 young teachers from various universities in Jiangsu Province participated in the competition.

Dr Tang, an Assistant Professor at the Department, delivered a lecture on advanced technologies in construction. She explained the future development of Civil Engineering subject and how to solve traditional problems with modern and advanced technologies, such as Building Information Modeling, Building Automation System, and Data/Information Management using Artificial Intelligence for the Smart Built Environment.

Dr Shu Tang

The Department of Civil Engineering at XJTLU houses two undergraduate and three postgraduate programmes, and has been dedicated to teaching excellence since its establishment in 2012.

The Department's BEng Civil Engineering, BEng Architectural Engineering, MSc Civil Engineering, and MSc Sustainable Construction have all been accredited by the world’s leading professional body, the Joint Board of Moderators (JBM), making XJTLU the first Sino-British university in China to receive JBM accreditation for both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

Story and photo provided by Dr Shu Tang

Edited by Yi Qian

15 Jan 2024