26 Mar 2024
Recently, delegates from the Consulate-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Shanghai paid a visit to Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, discussing potential collaborations on education and research between the two parties in the future.
During the communication, Professor Zhoulin Ruan, Vice President of XJTLU, said that XJTLU is constantly broadening the partnership with other universities and institutions for exchange programs.
“We are an international university that emphasizes student-centred education. We’d love to explore more opportunities for our students to study abroad,” he said.
Marjo Crompvoets, Consul-general, said that the top-ranking universities in the Netherlands attract a lot of Chinese students to study at.
She said: “I fully support the idea of attracting more Dutch students to study in China. We would also love to bring Dutch companies to connect with XJTLU which can potentially provide internship opportunities for XJTLU students.”
The delegates toured the SIP campus, including Design Fab Lab and design studios. After that, staff and students from the Department of Industrial Design presented their innovative ideas and practice-based education of XJTLU.
The Dutch delegation included Marjo Crompvoets, Consul General; Elva Ma, Senior Officer for Culture and Communication; Sjoerd Dikkerboom, Officer for Innovation, Technology & Science; and Floor van den Brink, Staff for Innovation Department focusing on Circularit.
By Yi Qian
Photos by Jingrui Duan and Yi Qian
26 Mar 2024