Building a Green Future: the UOL and XJTLU School of Science work together to explore sustainable development

23 May 2024

From the adoption of the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations to in-depth discussions among leaders at high-level meetings, sustainable development has gradually become a focal point of global attention. Recently, the University of Liverpool (UOL) and Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) held a link activity with the theme “Chemistry and Sustainable Development.” This event was part of the CHE111 module and aimed to deepen students' understanding of the SDGs through cross-cultural learning, cultivate chemistry professionals with an international perspective and innovative spirit, and explore the critical role of chemistry in achieving these goals.

“Chemistry is key to achieving environmental, social, and economic sustainability-related goals. From advances in understanding how human health is affected by diseases to the development of core atmospheric chemistry exploring the causes of climate change, chemical research is crucial in helping us avoid irreversible harm to the Earth and ourselves,” Dr. Wu said.

Students from the Chemistry departments of the UOL and XJTLU gathered together to discuss the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals, the positive impact of Chemistry in achieving these goals, and how our campuses promote sustainability during this activity.

The discussion was conducted in the form of a study group, with students from both places forming teams together. They used online platforms and video conferencing technology to collaborate on a three-minute short video about the relationship between the campuses of the two places and sustainable green development. The following is the presentation of the results from Team No. 6 (comprised of 7 UoL students and 2 XJTLU students). They shared their experiences and insights from the cooperation process through the video.

The selected SDGs' criteria include sustainable cities and communities, industry, innovation and infrastructure, climate action, affordable and clean energy. After intense discussions, the two campuses achieved a win-win situation with a score of 2-2 in areas such as campus buildings, climate protection and students' initiatives, due to their unique innovative efforts respectively towards sustainable development.


“The Materials Innovations Factory at the UOL provides facilities for researchers to develop new approaches to materials science, in order to develop next generation sustainable materials for consumer products. Similarly, the Institute for Sustainable Materials and Environment, particularly, the School of Science, at XJTLU looks at how to mitigate the environmental effects of uncontrolled landfill and burning, by effectively utilising solid wastes for the development of new building materials to contribute towards low carbon and sustainable construction. These research centers are cradles of innovation, leading the way in addressing pressing environmental challenges and driving the development of next generation sustainable materials and methods,” Dr. Wu added.

Amidst global efforts to address unprecedented challenges, the link activity between chemistry students from the UOL and XJTLU explored multiple dimensions of sustainability and delved into the potential of chemical transformations. From brainstorming sessions to practical experiments, they collectively sought ways to address urgent global challenges by combining different perspectives and expertise, and also cultivated their global citizenship awareness, paving the way for a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Content: Luyao Wang, Wenyue Guo
Materials and Review: Dr. Zhenghao Wu

23 May 2024