MoU Ceremony Celebrating the New Cooperation

10 May 2024

With a shared vision for advancing scientific research and educational cooperation, the School of Science (SCI) at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) and the Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute (ZJE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on May 9th, 2024. The MOU aims to support collaborative research, talent development, capacity building, and other forms of academic partnerships to the mutual benefit of both institutions.

Professor Yuehai Ke, Dean of the Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute, along with nearly 15 representatives from the Institute, joined by Professor Adam Cross, Associate Vice-President (Education), Professor John Moraros, Dean, Dr. Sekar Raju, Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching, Professor Jia Meng, Head of Department, Biological Sciences and Dr. Eric Amigues, Acting Head of Department, Chemistry represented the School of Science along with many other SCI faculty members and attended the signing ceremony.

The Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute (ZJE) was jointly established in 2016 as a Sino-foreign cooperative educational institution by Zhejiang University and the University of Edinburgh.

The Institute currently offers two dual bachelor's degree programmes in Biomedical Sciences and Bioinformatics, along with one dual-degree doctoral programme, one doctoral and one master's programme awarded solely by Zhejiang University, and one doctoral and one master's program awarded solely by the University of Edinburgh. The aim is to carry out cutting-edge basic research in the field of life and health, and to implement the development of advanced medical technology for disease diagnosis and treatment.

"Over the past year, we have been working hard to strengthen our institutional cooperation post-pandemic. Having a strategic partner like your esteemed institution is extremely valuable to us. We also believe that based on today's exchange and ongoing dialogue in the future, we will be able to explore opportunities for joint research, knowledge sharing, educational collaboration, and even co-supervision of doctoral students," said Professor Adam Cross.

Professor Yuehai Ke provided a comprehensive overview of ZJE and expressed his enthusiasm for the cooperation: “I am very pleased to be at XJTLU, to communicate with everyone, and to explore significant collaboration opportunities between our two esteemed universities.”

According to the MOU, ZJE and SCI will jointly initiate a series of educational and research cooperation projects, including but not limited to the joint cultivation of master's and doctoral students, sharing of research facilities, and collaborative innovation in scientific research projects.

Professor John Moraros expressed his hope, enthusiasm and gratitude for the opportunity: “This is just the beginning of our promising relationships and provides us a strong framework on which to brainstorm, explore and build new avenues of research cooperation with ZJE, expecting these collaborations to have a profound impact on students, faculty, and both institutions, furthering scientific and societal progress.”

the two sides shared and exchanged views in the professional field

Interview: Luyao Wang
Review: Professor John Moraros
Photo: Yifan Zhang

10 May 2024