【Event Review】EIAP Research Cluster

03 Jun 2024

The Experimental and Innovative Art Practice (EIAP) research cluster at the School of Cultural Technology (SCT) at XJTLU goes to the heart of artistic innovation, not only through technological advances but also through the acceptance of ground-breaking concepts and provocative ideas.

Its driving themes include human-computer interaction, experience design, live performance, multimedia installations, gamified experiences, decolonization, and the willingness to go beyond the current media and status quo. Cross-medicine and post-medicine are recurring themes, with a common belief that traditional disciplines (divided according to different human senses) are gradually merging into new, holistic disciplines.

Research Cluster Coordinator: Dr. Giovanni Santini

Members (in alphabetical order):
Zhonghao Chen: visual artist, curator
Fai Cheung: artistic director, curator, producer
Dr. Garrett Lynch IRL: networked artist, curator, theorist
Mr. Andrew O’Dowd: artist, art technologist, designer
Dr. Isadora Petrauskas: installation artist
Dr. Giovanni Santini: XR artist, musician, developer
Dr. Konstantinos Vasilakos: multimedia artist, sound designer
Dr. Juan Carlos Vasquez: musician, sound designer, game developer
Dr. Luciano Zubillaga: experimental filmmaker


The exhibition of the EIAP Research Cluster is on display in the outside corridor of G-1006 from May 10 to May 17, during which there will be two academic colloquiums, on May 10 and May 17. The two colloquiums will be streamed live on YouTube, with guests from the United States and the United Kingdom participating online, so let's have a look at what's happening on May 10!

On the morning of May 10, the EIAP Research Cluster's inaugural ceremony began in Lecture Hall G-1006, with a pleasant and dedicated ambiance.

In the morning session titled "Resonant Realities: Navigating Post-Anthropocene Ecologies through Sonic Artistry," sound artists Scott Gresham-Lancaster and Ximena Alarcon-Diaz led an in-depth discussion of sound art and posthuman ecology, using multimedia presentations and experiments to demonstrate sound art's guiding function in ecology. The intertwining of music and sound drew the audience in, and the atmosphere was comfortable.

In the afternoon, under the topic of “Convergent Reality”, Dominique Morales and Patrick Horton shared their unique insights on the convergence of realities, and had a wonderful academic exchange with EIAP member Giovanni Santini. Through examples and case studies, they discussed the convergence and collision between different realities, which benefited the audience greatly.

The attraction of the non-tangible, non-visual, and fleeting was investigated in creative activity on May 17. We had the honor of having Garrett Lynch as an on-site participant and guest lecturers Lauryn Mannigel and Gottfried Hoider to discuss these topics in current art practice from 10 AM to 1 PM. The morning session, which Isadora Petrauskas hosted, was insightful and passionate.

From 2 PM to 5 PM, the focus shifted to non-Western ontologies in contemporary design practice. We were fortunate to have Soren Matz and Zhang Jijun as guest speakers, along with Andrew O'Dowd as an on-site participant. Their presentations delved deep into the role and significance of design in multicultural environments. The afternoon session, which Luciano Zubillaga hosted. Additionally, the Q&A session provided an interactive platform for attendees to pose questions and delve into the challenges and opportunities of design in diverse cultural contexts. The Q&A session also offered an engaging forum for participants to ask questions and discuss the benefits and difficulties of design in various cultural contexts.

In addition, colorful tea breaks were provided at the event site, which brought opportunities for rest and communication to the audience. Thank you to all the guests and the audience for your enthusiasm, which brought the whole event to life. The next academic seminar will be in the same format. We welcome you to continue to pay attention and participate, and jointly explore the infinite possibilities of experimental and innovative art practice!

03 Jun 2024