SCI & AIAC Unite for a Joint Research Symposium: A New Chapter in research Collaborations between the SIP and Taicang campuses at XJTLU

27 Jun 2024

On Monday, June, 24th, 2024, academic staff from the Departments of Health and Environmental Sciences (HES), Chemistry (CHE), and Biological Sciences (BIO) of the School of Science (SCI), travelled to the Taicang campus to meet with staff representatives from the School of Artificial Intelligence and Applied Computing (AIAC), as part of the first joint symposium to explore potential collaborations.

The symposium commenced with an introduction by the Dean of AIAC, Prof. Angelos Stefanidis, who provided an overview of the AIAC's vision, mission, and academic strengths. Prof. Stefanidis stated, "Today marks a significant step forward in our academic journey. By combining the expertise of AIAC with the knowledge of SCI, we are fostering a strong relationship between the two schools, and building a bridge for interdisciplinary innovation and research."

Following Prof. Stefanidis, the Dean of SCI, Prof. John Moraros, presented the diverse research initiatives and academic prowess of SCI. Prof. Moraros emphasized the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, saying, "The fusion of our schools' strengths will undoubtedly lead to better educational experiences for our students, groundbreaking research work, stronger ties with our industry partners and an opportunity to work synergistically to positively impact and benefit our society. We are excited about the prospects of what we can achieve together."

The core of the symposium involved staff from both SCI and AIAC presenting their research projects, highlighting the potential for synergy and the mutual benefits of collaboration. The presentations spanned a wide array of topics, from cutting-edge computational methods in molecular design to innovative environmental monitoring techniques using AI.

This event aimed to encourage dialogue and the exchange of ideas, with interactive sessions allowing staff from both sides to delve deeper into specific areas of mutual scientific interest. These sessions were instrumental in identifying common goals and the first steps towards joint research initiatives.

The symposium concluded with a comprehensive tour of the AIAC's state-of-the-art laboratories, and impressive facilities, showcasing the school's commitment to research excellence and providing a tangible example of the resources available for collaborative projects.

Professor John Moraros, dean of the school of science mentioned that the SCI/AIAC Joint Research Symposium represents the inception of a new chapter in research collaborations between the SIP and Taicang campuses at XJTLU. The success of this symposium signifies the beginning of a series of joint ventures that will enhance the university's research capabilities and contribute to advancing our body of knowledge in emerging fields.

With the establishment of this collaborative framework, SCI and AIAC are poised to embark on a journey of shared success. The joint symposium has laid the groundwork for future projects that will advance academic research and address pressing societal challenges through the power of AI research and interdisciplinary cooperation.

Content source: Dr Shuihua Wang
Reviewer: Professor John Moraros

27 Jun 2024