On September 20th, the Associate Professor Andrew O’Dowd and Ms. Xinhang Li from Suzhou Bay Digital Art Museum have launched an exciting new collaboration between the School of Cultural Technology and the Suzhou Bay Digital Art Museum. This is the latest Syntegrative Education Project in the School of Cultural Technology and builds on from the success of last year’s collaborations between year 3 students on the BA(Hons) in Arts, Technology, and Entertainment with Contemporary Entrepreneurialism and leading industrial partners in the Arts, Culture, and Entertainment sectors.
·· NiBBLE: A Bite-sized Exhibition in Interdisciplinary Arts ··
Following an on-campus project launch presentation, the students will now commence a 12-week learning journey of on-site research & creative practice with the support from Suzhou Bay Digital Art Museum in response to the criteria set out during the SE Partner's presentation. Under the guidance and direction of Professors O'Dowd, Zubillaga, and Schmitt, students will produce public facing outcomes that are not only be a significant contribution to their learning journey but also a value-adding contribution to Syntegrative Project Partner's business.

These outcomes will also be exhibited as part of SCT’s fantastic end-of-semester showcase, NiBBLE: A bite-sized exhibition in Interdisciplinary Arts, from the 11th of December. Save the Date now!
Last year's NiBBLE exhibition was also fascinating, let's take a look back at the highlights of the show through the following links!